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 Post subject: Ralphys-How to seem like you’re an unkillable force of death
PostPosted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 10:10 am 

Joined: Wed Feb 11, 2009 7:37 am
Posts: 27
Location: BROOKLYN
“Transcending good to being great with Ballistic Weapons”
A helpful essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson. (with snarkiness by Henry Thoreau)

Introduction- I suppose this might be one of the last essays I write on the subject of Ballistic weapons being that I think the days of ut2004 are now numbered. Anyhow I will not let that dour thought sour this guide to owning your fellow player.

FIRST. I will repeat this until it sinks in. This is a ballistic server you should install the actual ballistic mod in your UT- you can get it at http://www.runestorm.com
•All that stuff you endlessly downloaded when you first came onto the ABA server was the ballistic weapons mod- SO no matter what you might think or argue- you HAVE downloaded and installed the ballistic weapons mod on your computer- it’s in your UT cache as you read this. Because it’s in your cache, it only affects your online play not your entire UT game. Runestorm made these weapons wonderfully complex, why not use the mod in the way they intended?
After you install the mod, go to the settings menu in your UT- find configure controls and set the ones most important to you (see my first help column- viewtopic.php?f=16&t=71)

How to seem like you’re an unkillable force of death-

• Unkillable- Simple. You can have 200 health and 200 armor. If you’re maxed out nothing can kill you in one shot (but stepping on a closed mine will). The railgun does about 300 damage is at full charge, so not even the most powerful ballistic gun cannot kill you. So stack that health and armor. When it’s below 200 run away to get more. Over 200 you’re still pretty hard to kill, under 200 you’re pretty vunerable. The reason why few players kill me is that even if they land a massive blow on me they don’t chase me to finish me off. When I’m running I’m not stopping until I’m back up to 400.

• Force- Speed. How’d I run away so darn quick? You’ve probably noticed that when you carry certain weapons it affects your running speed. The melee weapons are the lightest and you can run the fastest holding them. If you need to cover ground quickly, switch to the melee weapon. This actually as far as I can tell, affects everything to do with movement. How far you can jump to how fast you can run. So yes that minigun is powerful, but don’t try to jump that gorge while carrying it. I’ve also noticed the when you dual wield pistols/smgs you run just as fast as melee. Being quick makes it less likely that you’ll be dead.

• Death- For some people using Ballistic weapons came more naturally that other- especially those who had played COD or any number of semi-realistic fps’s. Those of you who have played only UT before these weapons were probably pretty frustrating at first- you pointed and shot the ceiling. Ballistic weapons are semi-semi-realistic- they’re cartoon versions of the weapons they resemble. I’m not saying this to put them down- what they are is a halfway point- the stock UT weapons are 100% arcade and the weapons in Call of Duty 85% realistic- Ballistic weapons fall somewhere in the middle- Yes they have realistic recoil, but then your carrying 5 pistols, 2 assault rifles, 3 sniper rifles, and a RPG and you just jumped from building to building. This is what makes them so much fun! You’re not a grunt- you’re a super UT soldier.
Yeah, yeah. But how do I become a machine of DEATH with them? First practice and play with each weapon and explore how they work and all of their functions. I cover that more in depth in this column- viewtopic.php?f=16&t=86
After that there are some key things that I do that allow me to shoot the crap out of other players.
-Crouching- This is first and foremost the most important thing you can do to improve you aim- crouching and holding still will make your accuracy very good. When you fight me you’ll notice I jump around from crouch to crouch. This is me trying to improve my accuracy.
-Fire-rate- I always change the fire-rate on the automatic guns. I either switch it to semi-auto or burst. No automatic weapon should ever be set on full auto, not even the mounted machine guns are accurate on full auto(barring the minigun, but set the fire rate to 2400 and you’ll see a jump in accuracy)
-Iron sights- This means either looking through the scope or using the gun’s sights. All ballistic weapons have some form of “iron sights” (even the staffs). You can only walk/crawl when using iron sights, but the accuracy is near perfect.
But how does one own in close combat- Light weapons and shotguns. Dual wielding was made for close combat, two pistols/sub-machine guns whittle down your opponent quickly. Shotguns too though slow fire rates, deal massive close range damage. A good trick- if your health is down and your not going to win this close combat fight- run away, but as you do drop any grenades as quickly as possible. If your opponent gives chase they’ll be killed by the grenades you’re dropping.

My last point on this- Think outside of the box. Don’t be predictable. If your going to snipe- don’t snipe where everyone snipes. Explore the map- jump around until you find a new spot that no one else has thought of. If you’re being sniped by me- then look every where, not just where the bots are.
Practice, play, explore- it’s about fun. Do I take this too seriously? Maybe, but no more so than a good hobby.

 Post subject: Re: Ralphys-How to seem like you’re an unkillable force of death
PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2009 3:16 pm 

Joined: Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:35 pm
Posts: 16
Location: Rogers, CT
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